Current-Mode Signal Conditioning Circuit for Single Type Resistive Sensor
Tipparat Junsing 1* and Narong Thumputi 2
1 Department of Electronics Engineering Technology, College of Industrial Technology, King Mongkut University of Technology North Bangkok.
2 Department of Electrical Engineering Technology, College of Industrial Technology, King Mongkut University of Technology North Bangkok.


This paper presents the current-mode signal conditioning circuit for single active resistive sensor which composed of op-amp in conjunction with current conveyors. The research found that the proposed circuit proves better quality in term of linearity when comparing to the traditional signal conditioning circuit. This circuit provides high accuracy with error less than 1% and linear output related to resistance changes. The results of PSPICE simulation when emulate with RTDs sensors have shown a good compliance with circuit analysis.

Keywords : Single Active Resistive Sensor, Signal Conditioning Circuit, Linearization, Current Conveyor, Op-amp